Aguamarina, more than school, a way of living….

Natalia, a woman whose spirit twinkled with questions and an ever-present thirst for creativity, met Roberto 28 years ago, a man who saw more than buildings; he saw spaces that breathed life, meaning, and purpose.

Together, they stirred up the magic that would soon become Aguamarina Preschools.

With Natalia's innate curiosity and Roberto's talent for creating meaningful spaces, they created a universe where learning was a sensory experience, touching the minds through sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell.

Aguamarina wasn’t designed as just another educational institution. Its blueprint was drawn from the heart, with hallways echoing laughter and classrooms brimming with real-life lessons.

Here, academic rigor met daily experiences, ensuring that every piece of knowledge acquired wasn't just stored, but lived.

However, what truly makes Aguamarina, “Aguamarina” is its soulful essence of family. Beyond being a school, it stands as a home where each individual, whether student, teacher or parent, is embraced with warmth, love, and understanding. It's a place where everyone's journey, with its ups and downs, is acknowledged, supported, and celebrated.

With each passing day, the Aguamarina family grows, evolves, and adapts, all while keeping its core values intact. This ever-evolving magic is not just the brainchild of Natalia and Roberto but a collection to the collective efforts of everyone involved.

It's the daily contributions, the shared smiles, and the unwavering commitment that ensures Aguamarina remains a beacon of contemporary, heartfelt education.